7 Basic Tips on Choosing the Right Keywords 


Keyword selection for your google ads campaigns and SEO results are something that are best kept to the professionals. It’s important to advise on what products you are wanting to push, and what you are wanting to be more prominent online for. A lot of research can go into determining what keywords are going to work best, and pull in the most conversions possible with visitors. This is where your campaign manager comes in.

  1. A part of understanding good keywords is thinking like your customer. What would you search for?
  2. Study the competition and check what they are appearing for online.
  3. Be specific with targeting your keywords so your audience is finding what is most convenient to them with their searches. Using long tailed keywords keeps results relevant for the user and is more likely to have a better conversion rate per click.
  4. Ensuring you have listed variations of alternative searches relating to your products and services. Keyword matching can also be used to pull in searchers who are using keywords close to yours. Keeping this vague or specific is entirely up to how broadly you want to target your audience.
  5. Utilise different keywords tools to optimise your list.
  6. Review your monthly results and continue to optimise this to improve over time.
  7. With experience in keywording and managing campaigns for over 15 years we can safely say the best results are always going to be achieved utilising a specialist. This ensures the money spent on the marketing, and whatever budget you are working within is used in the best way possible.